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  • Human resources optimization
  • Decrease of labour costs
  • Automation of planning work schedules
  • Identification of the areas of ineffective human resources allocation
  • Implemented in 12 weeks


  • Includes demand forecasting for every single POS ? based on factors like: historical sales receipts, business seasonality, day of the week, hours, locations etc.
  • Embedded law requirements like labour law (standard worktime and breaks) and others specific industry standards or internal procedures
  • Deep modelling of non sales activities: advise activities, supply, complaints, early opening and late closing of POS, products labelling, internal controls etc.
  • Optimized monthly work schedules generated automatically ? based on advanced algorithms
  • Labour costs optimization ? includes FTE and civil contract compensations ? recommendation with the most cost-effective decisions
  • Process optimization ? the tool shows what is the optimal number of FTE needed to cover all activities at all positions. Includes sales locations? segmentation.
  • Additional dashboards for visualization of work schedules for every single POS
  • Anonymity of employer data ? to ensure objective decisions (details can be reachable only by final decision makers)
  • Business Intelligence dashboards showing labour costs, absences, demand forecasting, percentage of non sales activities vs sales activities, savings generated by implementing algorithms, summary of work hours for every single employer, validation dashboards showing complexity and correctness of input data
  • Possibility of simple Integration of SOA with Client internal HR system

Our strengths?


Developing predictive models based on logistic regression, xgboost, random forests, neural nets and others. We are able to implement our tools in every environment.


Customization ? is the key word describing our business attitude. The tools we develop are prepared to be suitable for every organization because we are good listeners. Final effect depends on business goals and quality of data.


We are doing fast! A couple of weeks ? that is enough to implement advanced models into organization environment. We are focused on ROI because we understand the needs of the market, investors and owners.


Against corporate companies we are able to make changes in our projects, to extend required resources and to make fast decisions without negative consequences.